Orders & products report

Track your abandoned carts, canceled orders, and more to drive growth.

For viewing this report navigate to Reports > Orders & Products reports

Report shows:
  • Product quantity
  • Cart abandoned Products
  • Products not bought
  • Top products
  • Total sales & total orders
  • Total customers
  • Top discount coupons
  • fulfilment status

You can use our filters to get a report on a specific date or filter by a period of time as shown.

Revamp CRM gives you detailed info on each product -Bestsellers, abandonment products, purchases, revenues, quantity sold. It helps you to see the correlations between the products so you understand what kinds of products your customers prefer and how they choose between differen options. 

Then you’ll find a separte product report, that gives you insights about your products best sellers, not bough at all & the abandoned products so you have a broad insights to improve them.

As well as how many orders and your product quantity.

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