Merging Duplicate Contacts

Merge Strategy

Merging Duplicate Contacts

Check for Duplicates

Merge Strategy

Account Owner and Admin can select the appropriate merge strategy from the Settings screen. 

Note: Merge strategy only applies whenever an import of contacts or organizations occur. It doesn't apply when a user add a contact with the same data. 

The available Options are:

1. Name and Email ( Default strategy)

Contacts are matched comparing name and emails (if provided). Both have to match if provided. 

Note: If emails are not provided comparison is done using Name only.

2. Email Only

Contacts are matched only using the emails provided. If however no email was provided, Check falls back to compare using names.

Note: It is the recommended one to use with Contact forms

3. Name And Company

Contacts are matched comparing name and Company (if provided). Both have to match if provided. 

Note: If a company is not provided comparison is done using Name only.

4. Name And Phone

Contacts are matched comparing name and Phone numbers (if provided). Both have to match if provided. 

Note: If Phone numbers are not provided comparison is done using Name only.

Merging Duplicate Contacts

If you have duplicate contacts then you can merge them with each other. You can select up to 10 records and then merge.

Tasks, Deals, Notes and other related information will be merged with the selected Master Contact/Organization.

  1. Go to the main People/Organizations list. 
  2. Select the records you want to merge. 
  3. Click on Bulk Actions > Merge.

Check for Duplicates

If you need the system to automatically check and flag any duplicates in Organizations or Contacts. 

  1. Go to the main People/Organizations list. 
  2. Click on Bulk Actions > Check Duplicates.
  3. All matching contacts/organizations will be grouped, select a Master record.
  4. click on Merge.

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