Deals Dashboard

With our Opportunities tab, you will have insights, a visual overview of your deals divided into different categories, split by-products, salesperson, source, and region. These filters help you to measure your team’s performance For future decisions.

Note: Deals Reports Menu is only accessible in Sales plans.

Deal Dashboard has 3 views to better visualize your data, the 3 screens are:


Sales report gives you a visual overview of your sales divided into different categories, split by-products, salesperson, source, and region. lost & won reasons. These filters help you to measure your team’s performance For future decisions.


The second view is the pipeline view which is divided into sections, your deals and what needs attention, neglected, stages of your deals, and new deals by sales rep. this view will allow you to manage new deals and pay attention to your current deals as it gives you clear insights for a full review of your deals.


The last screen is for tasks, this tool you need to push your deals forward by never missing on calling a prospect, or sending the quotation email. 

You can add tasks to a Contact, an Organization, and a Deal. That way, wherever you are in Revamp CRM you'll see an overview of your Tasks inside your deals forecast. also it allows you to monitor team performance in following up with their assigned customers as well as missed ones.

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