Enrich 360 Contact Profile

Contact profiles on Revamp CRM are incredibly dynamic. They are all-inclusive, encompassing contact basic info, notes, tags, files, deals, tasks, invoices, tickets, email communication history and if you're on the eCommerce plan and you connected your store, order purchase history will be also logged in. 

Overview Video


Emails and Notes


Contact info, tags and custom fields


Orders (for eCommerce plan only)

Invoices & Tickets

Overview Video:

To better understand Revamp CRM's interactive contact profiling, we’ve created the video below.

This video shows you how to:

  • Edit and remove notes from a contact's profile.
  • Attach files or add them from cloud Google Drive or Dropbox to a profile.
  • Add a new deal to a profile and see all your deals. 
  • Connect your invoicing app - like FreshBooks or Harvest - and invoices will automatically appear inside your contact profile. 
  • Connect your helpdesk software - like Freshdesk or Zendesk - and your tickets and conversations will appear inside your contact profile.
  • Assign tasks that need to be conducted for this customer it could be an Email, Call, Lunch, meeting or other. You can easily find out what and when was the last task and who completed it with this customer, also what, when and who is assigned to the upcoming task.


  • Here you can find the files attached to this contact such as a proposal or a price list.
  • Local Files: Maximum file upload is 2 MB 
  • Cloud Files: Upload files to Dropbox or Google Drive and then link files here.

Emails, Chats & Notes:

  • Emails you send to this specific contact, or an email marketing campaign sent to a segment or a list and contact is a member in will be recorded under Notes tab.
  • Smart BCC email: By using the smart BCC address, a copy from any sent or received emails will be automatically added to your contact profile, under Notes tab.

    Note: When a contact replies to sent emails from Revamp CRM, his reply will automatically be attached to his profile because we automatically add the BCC field to it.

  • Filter your Notes by:

    Notes by: User

    Emails: direct emails and conversations

    Newsletter: marketing campaigns sent to contact

    Automation: Any action done on contact through automation, like sent email, task added, score edited.. etc.

    Imports: A note to inform you when was this contact imported or updated.

    Chats: Recorded chats coming from integration with chat apps like Zopim.

    Forms: Any filled web forms coming from integrating with web form apps like Wufoo. 


Create, view, complete or delete tasks from within the contact profile.

Click on "Show Done Tasks" filter to view all task history.

Note: Tasks in your main calendar related to the same contact will be automatically added.

Contact info, tags and custom fields:

This includes a contact's name, email, phone, job title, and company or organization as well as certain tags you ascribe to their profile to better organize customers.

You could also add up to 10 Custom Fields to collect better data that is related to your business so you can obtain a better relationship with your customers.

Deals related to the contact:  

  • It shows you the history of the deal including won, lost or in progress deals.   

Orders (eCommerce Plan Only):

All purchase history will be recorded inside each contact profile. along with their AOV, total count of orders and products purchased, last order date and more.

Invoices & Tickets:

Here you can find the invoices & tickets coming from a 3rd-party integration with other helpdesk and invoicing apps.    

We automatically sync your Contacts, Tickets, and Invoices every 4 hours from external apps to import your contacts, tickets, and invoices.

You can read more about our integrations here: https://www.revampcrm.com/add-ons/

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