Custom Fields

A custom field is any extra or special information that you’d like to track about your customers. Contacts & Organizations.Note: Revamp CRM allows you to add up to 10 Custom fields.

To add a custom feild go to settings & you’ll find under the customers title > custom feilds

Custom Field Types:

  • Text: a text field allows you to enter a line of text into the custom field.
  • Date: allow entry or selection of a date and can be used for holding special events - birthdays, start dates and more.
  • Options list: The options list field allows you to designate choices for a user to select from for this custom field. You'll then be able to select a single choice from this field to apply to a record.
  • Checkbox:  for true or false types.
  • Number: for numeric values, accepts only numbers.

Search & Custom Fields:

Inside your "Search by" box, click on Advanced Search. a pop-up appears > select a custom field > choose an operator (Contains, equal, not equal) add the text, click apply and the search results will appear.

To create a new custom field:

Click on the Gear Icon next to your profile picture.

save image

Choose Contact Custom Fields under the "Customers" section on the left of the screen. 

Add the details you need into a custom field name and choose whether to keep it as a Text, Date, Options, Check Box or a Number permanently. When done, Save the changes. 

To add info to the new custom field on a customer's profile:

Navigate to Customers > People and click on the person's name. On that customer's profile, click on the Pencil Icon next to that person's name. 

Under the contact's image, you'll be able to find the Custom Field you've added.


Delete a Custom Field

To delete a Custom Field you've added before, navigate to  Contact Custom Fields as shown above. Click on the X on the right of that custom field then Save the changes you've made.

If you navigate to a contact's profile to edit it as shown below, you will find that the Custom Field has been removed.

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