Automation Overview

Automation is the answer to regulating even relatively complex business development workflows. It allows you to set off a customized sequence of actions — from sending follow-ups to creating tasks.

Create an Automation

Duplicate Automation

Adding a List or a Segment to Automation

Contacts Enrolled for a Second Time

Automation Status


Create an Automation

Navigate to Automations > Create Automation

from this page, you can either choose pre-built automation or you can choose Custom automation.

Enter the Automation name and goal under description.

Or you can import automation steps.

Link a List or a Segment to this Automation to run on. 

To create a new automation click on Custom > enter information.

When you click on automations, you’ll be navigated to automation page where you’ll find your pre-set automations, as well as search filter to search your automation lists.

Duplicate Automation

You can duplicate created Automation for faster work progress. Head to Automations. Click on the three dots on the Automation card. Click Duplicate and voila. The duplicated Automation will be linked to the same List/Segment in the original Automation. You can then click Edit, and update the List/Segment.

Adding a List or a Segment to Automation

Click on the three dots then click on edit you will find selected segment and you can change it.

Adding a List to Automation: Because lists are static groups, once the Automation starts, it will run on all contacts in the list, if contact is manually deleted from the list afterward, automation will no longer run on the deleted contact. And if contact is manually added to the list when the Automation status is "Running". Then Automation will run on contact.

Adding a Segment to Automation: Segments are dynamic, contacts are added or deleted automatically based on updates coming from different sources. This means it will automatically enroll contacts in the Automation when they're added to the Segment. And contacts that no longer in the Segment, will drop out of the running Automation. 

Automation only applies to contacts already in the segment when automation started, and contacts added to the segment from this point forward.

Contacts Enrolled for a Second Time

Let's say you've created an Automation for following up with customers after they've placed an order. A customer who have purchased once will be automatically enrolled into the Automation. 

So by clicking Yes in the box in image below, you're indicating that if a customer matches segment conditions for a second time, he will be enrolled again to the same Automation. that way, whenever a customer places an order, he will always get a follow-up/confirmation message.

Automation Status

Running: Is an active automation.

Draft: You can create an automation and don't press the start button until later on.

Paused: When you pause an automation, and hit Play after a while, automation will proceed from the last step. If a new contact added to a list or a segment, it will enter the automation from the very beginning step. and contacts are removed from a list or a segment will no longer be enrolled in the automation.

Expired: when you create an Automation, it's optional to choose an expiration date. When the date comes, Automation will automatically stop and no steps will be running anymore.


Is an Automation the same as an email drip campaign - AKA Email Marketing Automation?
An Automation can be used to create an email drip campaign into which you can enroll contacts so that they receive pre-written email templates at preset intervals. However, you can also add non-email steps (like Tasks) to an Automation.
Is there a limit to the number of steps an Automation can have?
No, you can add as many steps as you need.
Can a contact be in more than one Automation?
Yes, a contact can be in more than one Automation at a time.
How can I set it so that an Automation is triggered automatically for a new lead?
Create a List/Segment for new leads and attach that List/Segment to the Automation. Set the first step in the Automation to be triggered after 0 hours. Any time you place a new lead into the new leads List/Segment, the lead will automatically be enrolled in the Automation.
How can I trigger an automated, immediate email for lead follow-up?
Create an Email Template. Create an Automation where the first step has a delay of 0 days and select Send Email as the action. Select the Template you created for immediate lead follow-up. Set a specific send time if desired.
Can I create an indefinite Automation that repeats monthly or annually?
Yes, you can create an Automation with no end time. That will run until you manually press pause or stop.
Can I use an Automation to send a monthly newsletter?
There are two ways to send a monthly newsletter. 
B) Create an Automation with as many steps as you want. Set the action for each step to be "Send Email". First step time delay could be set to 0 Days. After step one, you can set the delay between every step to be 30 days.
Is there’s a limit to the number of emails an Automation can send each month?
Yes. For all plans in Revamp CRM, there is a limit to the number of automatic emails that can be sent per month. This limit varies by plan. 

Automation Reports

From the Automations main screen, the Automation card gives you a quick insights about status, who created the Automation, How many contacts are enrolled, how many emails are sent. clicked and opened.

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